Google Maps API Global Launch
Google Maps asked us to launch their new product: Google Maps API.
This platform will allow game developers to create real-world games in a simpler way.
Just like how Pokemon GO changed the way we play mobile games, Google Maps API will change the way we create maps and build video games.
But no matter how revolutionary and exciting this might be, an API remains something hard to visualize and therefore hard to get excited about.
Unity Demo
To visualize what Google Maps API enables, we build a Unity Demo using Google Maps API.
The concept is to have a sandbox experience where the user will be able to go anywhere in the world and customize it as if they were building their own video game.
From changing the texture of the road, the height of a building to spawning a full-size dragon on top of a house, the user has the full experience of building its own game world.
Everything was designed, developed and produced in-house at B-Reel Los Angeles under our lead.