Google - JOMO
Usually, brands come to us to make consumers use their product more and more. This time, Google came to us to limit people's time on their Android smartphones.
Technology is amazing and has brought a lot to humanity. But we seem to have lost some control over it. Indeed, our phones are making us unhappy by taking too much of our attention. Most notably, users claim that their are afraid of missing something if they aren’t on their phone.
That’s why Google has decided to step up and take some responsibility. Together we collaborated to bring solutions to people around a new concept : the Joy Of Missing Out.
We brought some ideas to create awareness around the issue and give users the control to counter them.
Time well spent
We worked with the Android UX and Product team to find new tools and new ways of using smartphones to help people reduce their time spent on it.
JOMO is a movement that just started, and this is the first concretization of the idea.